Friday, May 18, 2012

Colored Pants Craze!: DIY Regular Jeans Into Colored Skinnies

So Here we go, Start off with a pair of regular blue jeans. I chose these pants that have been in my closet for ages, I got them at American Eagle for $13 (like 5 years ago!)

Next is to flip the jeans inside out and place a pair of skinny jeans (ones that fit well and you like to wear) I trace around the skinnies, pin on the lines and try them on (with the pins still in the pants) to see if they fit, then sew on the lines. 

Shown above is pinning the legs, I added a small seam allowance. 

Once you sew the pant legs into skinny jeans cut the extra fabric off and surge/ zig zag stitch/ finish the edge.

Lastly is to hem up the pant lets. This is very simple, cut off the original hem, double fold the pant leg and sew up the bottom. 

So now we have a pair of skinny jeans. I will probably wear them by cuffing the pant legs into capries. 

Next, to change the color. I filled a 5 gallon bucket up with water and bleach. About 2 gallons of water and 1 gallon of bleach. Dampen the pants before you put them in the bleach solution. Make sure to stir the pants AT LEAST one ever 5 min. AT LEAST. I used a piece of PVC pipe to stir the pants. 

The reason behind stirring them is because you want them to bleach as evenly as possible and when you stir them, it will bleach so much better than if you just leave them in the water. 

10 min.

20 min.

30 min. 

40 min. 

50 min.

60 min.

70 min.

80 min.

I left them in for an hour and a half and they bleached into yellow jeans (not white which was really surprising) 

So after they soak in the bleach They go into another bucket with is 2 parts water 3 parts white distilled vinegar. Let them soak in the vinegar for 10 -15 min.  

After the vinegar they need to go into the washing machine, I washed mine in warm.

After they are completely dried (either by just hanging up or in the dryer) Check them to see if they bleached really evenly and if not, either put them in the bleach bath for another 15 min. Or spot treatment with a sponge and bleach. 

This is what I ended up with! The pants on the left are the ones I bleached and the pants on the right are the exact same pair that I started with ( I bought 2 pairs of the same pants, weird, I know.)

I thought I could do the same thing twice so I filled up the bucket again and tried twice. Well, here is where I screwed up. I did half water and half bleach and left the pants in for and hour and a half. And I couldn't get them to bleach evenly and when I tossed them into the washing machine they looked a little thing and when I pulled them out... whelp they were torn to shreds. 

Over all I am very happy with the results of my pants. They are really cute and I an totally into light colored pants these days. 
Can you believe that these pastel yellow skinnies were once regular boot cut blue jeans?

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